Hello, I'm a potential customer!
Look away now if I've already bored you about this one by email. Actually, that's probably everyone who might ever read this, isn't it? Anyway, I ought to try to train myself to use this thing so here it is again:
Apple are, famously, running some ads comparing Macs and PCs. The new UK versions that have just started star comedians Mitchell and Webb. The ads, with their "I'm a Mac and I'm much cooler and funner" theme, are presumably targeting the less technically savvy PC users. So, I hope my experience of actually trying to see the ads isn't typical...
- There's one of those Mitchell & Webb Mac ads that I keep hearing about. Perhaps I'll follow this "see all the ads" link to see the rest of them...
- "Quicktime 7 is required". Which version have I got? Let's check... start the player... No, I still don't want to upgrade to QuickTime Player Pro, thank you very much, I just want to see your funny ad.
- OK, this is Quicktime 6.5.2. It's probably got an Update option...yes! No: "Your QuickTime Software is up to date".
- Maybe it'll work anyway. Apple stuff "Just Works" - it says so just below the player box. And it is now playing the ad soundtrack... but without any pictures.
- The "Quicktime" tab at the top of Apple's UK web site gives me a "page not found error". [subsequently they seem to have fixed this]
- So, login as admin, find and install Quicktime 7 (painless enough), and back to Apple's site to watch the ads. It defaults to the US site so now it's the bloke from The Daily Show. Also, the picture keeps breaking up in bizarre ways that give the characters unpleasant facial deformities.
- OK, found the English versions. Hmmm...