Location: London, United Kingdom

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I have created a blog because it is The Law that anyone on the Internet over a certain age must have one (under a certain age, you must still have one, but it's on myspace and uses colour, sound and imagery to prevent anyone over a certain age from reading it). I don't actually have anything to say, though. Ho hum.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the web, Mr P A Rhodes. I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts as the weeks go by. Were all the other possible blog names taken? I'd have suggested "Rambling Rhodes", but that went ages ago.

Tue Jun 06, 04:05:00 pm  
Blogger Paul Rhodes said...

Thank you, kind sir.
Re the title - It took me longer to decide what to put in that box than the whole of the rest of the setup. Actually, having to choose a title for a blog before you can start using it is a bit counter-intuitive. It fits a 'magazine' model of blogging (and probably seems obvious when designing a system), but most blogs are personal journals, and who gives their diary a title?

Wed Jun 07, 10:03:00 am  

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